# Armbian, Cleanup, Linux, Orange Pi 2019-07-25

Orange Pi Armbian cleanup

Disable auto-updates

“Unattended Upgrades” keeps the Armbian up to date with the latest updates automatically. Sometimes “unattended-upgrade” process eat almost 100% CPU on my Orange Pi. I definitely don’t need this. Removing it:

apt remove unattended-upgrades

Cleanup file system

It makes sense to clean up file system if you have a limited amount of disk space. For example, if you use Micro-SDs size of 1GB or 2GB. Or if a board has small EMMC storage.

Remove unwanted locales

I don’t need anything other than English locale.

This script cleans up “locales” directory:



echo Cleanup target: $TARGET
echo Disk usage before: `du -sh $TARGET`
find $TARGET/* ! -path "$TARGET/en*" ! -path "$TARGET/locale.alias" -delete
find $TARGET/en_* ! -path "$TARGET/en_US*" -delete
echo Disk usage after: `du -sh $TARGET`

As result, it saves about 28 MegaBytes of disk space:

$ ./cleanup-locales.sh
Cleanup target: /usr/share/locale
Disk usage before: 28MB /usr/share/locale
Disk usage after: 160KB /usr/share/locale

Remove unwanted mans

I don’t need mans in national languages:



echo Cleanup target: $TARGET
echo Disk usage before: `du -sh $TARGET`
find $TARGET/* ! -path "$TARGET/man*" -delete
echo Disk usage after: `du -sh $TARGET`

echo Update man db

Is saves 6 MegaBytes:

$ ./cleanup-mans.sh
Cleanup target: /usr/share/man
Disk usage before: 18M /usr/share/man
Disk usage after: 12M /usr/share/man
Update man db

Remove docs

I don’t need any documentation in a language other than English:


echo Cleanup docs

echo Disk usage before: `du -sh /usr/share`
rm -rf /usr/share/doc
rm -rf /usr/share/info
echo Disk usage after: `du -sh /usr/share`

It frees about 25 MegaBytes:

$ ./cleanup-docs.sh
Cleanup docs
Disk usage before: 200M /usr/share
Disk usage after: 174M /usr/share